Money Matters

Alan Tickle and Jonathon Tickle have a regular column in Focus Magazine

Placing money into Super

MONEY MATTERS Placing money to superannuation before June 30th can save tax. Jonathan Tickle, Financial AdvisorJune 2019Time is running out and generally, the deadline is June 26th to make contributions, because June 30th this year falls on a weekend. Want new...

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June 30th is fast approaching

MONEY MATTERS June 30th is fast approaching Alan Tickle, Financial Advisor May 2019Leaving tax planning until the last minute can prove costly. Want new articles before they get published? Subscribe to our Awesome Newsletter.

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Market Jitters … is not a time to panic

MONEY MATTERS Market Jitters... is not a time to panic Alan Tickle, Financial Advisor November 2018 Interestingly, while share markets both domestically and overseas have taken a tumble and residential housing prices have also taken a dip, investors have generally not...

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Get the right advice well before you turn 65.

MONEY MATTERS My Superfund and Centrelink said... I don't need a Financial Planner Alan Tickle, Financial Advisor November 2018 In recent weeks, there has been an increase in enquiry for advice from new clients who have either a dormant relationship with their adviser...

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Financial Planning Priorities for non-oldies

MONEY MATTERS Financial Planning Priorities for non-oldies Jonathon Tickle, Financial Advisor January 2018 This month’s edition gives an insight to financial considerations for those closer to my age and a conversation point for parents or grandparents that encourages...

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Aged Care Decisions…Planning can make a difference

MONEY MATTERS Aged Care Decisions...Planning can make a difference Alan Tickle, Financial AdvisorDecember 2017 I’d like to thank booth operators for their efforts at last month’s Aged Care Expo which drew a lot of interest. The following gives an overview of the major...

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